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  • 19:30

  • Lundi 10/03
  • Série humoristique
  • Durée : 30min

Ma famille d'abord

"Tee for Too Many" When Jay wants to spend more quality time with Michael, she convinces him to take her to watch him play golf, his favorite pastime. But when her presence becomes distracting, Michael must figure out a way to tell her that sheŐs cramping his style. Meanwhile, Jr. wants to go to college like his girlfriend, Vanessa, but is having trouble writing his college essay, so he asks six-year-old Franklin to help him, on "My Wife and Kids," WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30 (8:00-8:30 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/CAROL KAELSON) DAMON WAYANS, MIGUEL NUNEZ MY WIFE AND KIDS DAMON WAYANS CAROL KAELSON 66755 66755_5017 MIGUEL NUNEZ TEE FOR TOO MANY , copyright: © DISNEY MEDIA DISTRIBUTION/DISNEY MEDIA DISTRIBUTION

Michael souhaite se retrouver seul, sans sa famille. Il s'arrange alors avec Janet pour qu'elle s'absente de la maison avec les enfants. Mais ceux-ci, peu coopératifs, lui mettent des bâtons dans les roues...

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