67194_8339_14 -- MY WIFE AND KIDS - "JR. EXECUTIVE" - When Jr. and his girlfriend, Vanessa, announce the impending birth of their baby, Michael and Jay are shocked that they are going to become grandparents at such an absurdly early age, but soon realize their biggest challenge will be to transform their adolescent son into a responsible, working father-to-be, on "My Wife and Kids," WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1 (8:00-8:30 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network. In the second half-hour, "Jr. Executive" (8:30-9:00 p.m., ET), Michael wants Jr. to learn the family business by starting at the bottom, so he assigns Jr. to do menial jobs around Kyle Trucking. Jr., however, decides to use the fact that heÕs the boss' son to his advantage and convinces other employees to do his work for him. And Claire arranges a secret date with a guy she met on the Internet in a Shakespeare chat room. (ABC/MITCHELL HAASETH) DAMON WAYANS, JENNIFER FREEMAN , copyright: DISNEY MEDIA DISTRIBUTION
Le dîner au Tokahana tourne très vite au cauchemar. Après plusieurs mésaventures, Michael décide qu'il est grand temps de quitter les lieux. Il pense pouvoir regarder tranquillement son match de basket-ball, mais le sort n'a pas fini de s'acharner sur lui...