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  • 21:30

  • Samedi 22/03
  • Série humoristique
  • Durée : 25min

The Middle

THE MIDDLE - "The Neighbor" - Frankie fears that a confrontation with trashy neighbor Rita Glossner (Brooke Shields) is at hand when Sue has a run-in with her sons. Meanwhile, Axl tries to bribe Brick when he's asked to teach his little brother how to kick a ball for a gym requirement, but it's Brick who turns the tables on Axl and ends up bribing him for another favor, on "The Middle," WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6 (8:30-9:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/JORDIN ALTHAUS) BROOKE SHIELDS, PATRICIA HEATON , copyright: © 2009 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. All rights reserved./Jordin Althaus/Jordin Althaus

L'arrivée d'un homme censé auditer tous les salariés de son entreprise inquiète beaucoup Frankie, qui ne sait pas vraiment quels sont les aboutissants de cette démarche. Son poste serait-il en danger ? De son côté, Mike donne des conseils à l'ex-petit ami de Sue et aide Brick pour un devoir scolaire...

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