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  • 16:40

  • Samedi 22/03
  • Série d'action
  • Durée : 50min


"Djibouti Call" -- While on a secret mission in Djibouti, Africa, with his new Homeland protÃ?©gÃ?©, Tim Armstrong (Scott Porter), Cabe is captured and Team Scorpion must save him, on SCORPION, Monday, March 21 (9:00-9:59 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Pictured: Tim Armstrong as Scott Porter, Robert Patrick as Agent Cabe Gallo. Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS Ã?©2016 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved , copyright: © CBS BROADCASTING STUDIOS INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED/CBS BROADCASTING STUDIOS INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Walter et ses collègues sont envoyés à Djibouti. Cabe y est en effet retenu prisonnier, capturé au cours d'une mission secrète. Il court un grave danger. Mais Walter ne voit pas d'un bon oeil l'arrivée de Tim Armstrong, que Cabe a pris sous son aile, car il ne semble pas insensible au charme de Paige...

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