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  • 21:30

  • Samedi 08/03
  • Série humoristique
  • Durée : 25min

The Middle

THE MIDDLE - "The Neighbor" - Frankie fears that a confrontation with trashy neighbor Rita Glossner (Brooke Shields) is at hand when Sue has a run-in with her sons. Meanwhile, Axl tries to bribe Brick when he's asked to teach his little brother how to kick a ball for a gym requirement, but it's Brick who turns the tables on Axl and ends up bribing him for another favor, on "The Middle," WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6 (8:30-9:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/JORDIN ALTHAUS) BROOKE SHIELDS, PATRICIA HEATON , copyright: © 2009 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. All rights reserved./Jordin Althaus/Jordin Althaus

A la chorale, Frankie s'entraîne pour le solo prévu pendant la messe de minuit. Elle charge Mike des préparatifs de Noël. A la surprise générale, il s'en sort mieux que son épouse. Brick déprime à l'approche des fêtes, et Sue s'inquiète, car son amoureux ne l'a toujours pas embrassée...

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