64737 MY WIFE AND KIDS - "Making the Grade" Ð When Jr. forges an "A" on his report card, his parents donÕt let on that they are aware of his scheme and treat him like a mathematical genius, on "My Wife and Kids," WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11 (8:00-8:30 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network. (Touchstone Television Productions, LLC/Michael Ansell) JAZZ RAYCOLE, PARKER MCKENNA POSEY, TISHA CAMPBELL MARTIN, DAMON WAYANS , copyright: DISNEY MEDIA DISTRIBUTION
Janet achète un ordinateur muni d'une webcam à Junior. Michael, persuadé que son fils l'utilisera pour consulter des sites pornographiques, ne voit pas cet investissement d'un bon oeil. Le couple ignore que, grâce à la webcam, leur dispute a le monde entier pour témoin...